This online catalog provides access to the physical books in WTBBL’s collection, titles that WTBBL has produced or is actively working on in audiobook and braille book formats, items downloadable from BARD, the Braille and Audio Reading Download site from the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS), and more!
Please note: your username for this online catalog is different from your BARD username. Call us if you do not know your username or have forgotten your password.
When you find the book you want, you can download it immediately from BARD by clicking on the “Downloadable talking book” link, you can request that audiobooks or eBraille books be sent to you on cartridge, or you can request that physical books like large print, board books, picture books, and hard-copy braille books, be sent to you by mail.
The Quick Search box above allows you to search by author, title, subject, or keyword. This is the easiest way to search.
Search allows you to do a more advanced search when you have the exact information. This search method allows you to search in specific fields. If you know the author, title, subject, book number, or grade level, type it in the Query box, and then choose the field you'd like to search in the index drop-down box. You can also choose the way the results are sorted by selecting an option in the Sort By drop-down box: relevance, popularity, year published, date added, author, title or book number.
Browse takes you to lists of pre-constructed titles. Click on a link to get that list of titles.
Quick Request requires that you know the exact book number. Add that number and click on Quick Request and it will take you directly to that book's record. If you have a list of book numbers from Talking Book Topics, for example, this is a great way to quickly add those to your book basket.
Call us! You can always call us with your book requests. We are available Monday through Friday between 8:30am – 5:00pm at 206-615-0400 or toll free at 800-542-0866. Ask to speak to a Readers’ Advisor.
Add Books through the online catalog:
If you prefer to add books on your own, you can create a “book basket” and then submit it.
If you want the book immediately, click Rush. Please note that you can only rush up to three books at a time.
Books that aren’t rushed will be added to your patron book queue once you submit your request (the queue is a list of titles you created, or our auto-select service created based on your preferences). These will be sent to you when they reach the top of your book queue.
Don’t forget! When you have finished creating your book basket, click on Submit Your Request. Your requests are added to the system and rushed items will be on their way to you soon!
Clicking on the Email Basket button sends a list of books you’ve been creating to yourself or anyone else you’d like. The system will ask you to specify the email address of the person it is going to, your email address, an email subject, and then any note you'd like to include. The list will include the title, author, and book number of each book. This is a great way to share booklists with friends and family.
WTBBL offers a variety of print and electronic formats for its books. Some are physical books, while others are downloadable or can be mailed to you on cartridge.
DB = digital talking book / audiobook
B = braille book
LP = large print book