Title | Mi Hogar (My Home) |
Names | Cowley, Joy (Illustrations By Susan Maxley). |
Book Number | LP009228 |
Title Status | Active |
Medium | Large Type |
Annotation | Small 8-page paperback covers homes of a few animals, a man, and even a space girl. SPANISH. 1/4" font. Preschool-grade 2. 1990. Small 8-page paperback covers homes of a few animals, a man, and even a space girl. SPANISH. 1/4" font. Preschool-grade 2. 1990. |
Series | Sunshine Reading Series |
Local Subject | Juvenile book - JU |
Short book - SH | |
Gentle or nostalgic - GN | |
Large print - LP | |
Paperback large print - LPP | |
Fiction - FI | |
World Language - WL | |
Spanish language book - SPL | |
Audience Notes | 0 |
Language | Spanish |
Released | 1990 |
Publication Info | 1990 THE WRIGHT GROUP |